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Herbal ingredients | Migraine Abating Agent
A migraine is a peristent, throbbing headache typically affecting one side of the head. Migraines are thought to be caused by a sudden widening of the blood vessels that supply the brain, which in turn irritates the nerves surrounding these blood vessels. But the exact causes of migraine headaches are not completely understood, but you may find that certain triggers can start or worsen a migraine. Avoiding these migraine triggers can become an effective means of reducing the number of attacks. Herbal medicines can alleviate these symptoms, even prevent it.
Take medicine at the beginning of the emergence of signs of illness will have maximum effect. This is important for migraine. Can be marked with migraine symptoms, such as disturbance of vision, a great pain in one of the head, nausea, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smell.
Herbal Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
Member of the aster family, contains active substances called parthenolide. These substances can prevent the body to produce prostaglandins. That is, this herbal medicine can reduce the incidence of infection that is produced by its gland. This herbal medicine also helps to determine the amount of blood that must be distributed to body networks.
An anti-inflammatory herb called feverfew works for a lot of people. Clinical trials conducted by a doctor, who is a leading migraine specialist, found that:
- Approximately 72% of the 253 people involved, who were suffering from true migraine, found that feverfew was helpful for the prevention of their headaches
- 78% of the 23 people suffering from tension headaches also found that feverfew reduced headache frequency and severity
- Of the 242 patients who recorded the frequency, 33% no longer had attacks and 76% had fewer migraines each month compared to before taking feverfew
- Associated nausea and vomiting decreased or disappeared
- A proportion of patients experienced the migraine aura without the attack
- When attacks did occur, they responded better to conventional painkillers
- Feverfew users experienced no adverse interactions with their orthodox medication
- The onset of the effect was slow and gradual, often taking several months
What are the side effects?
There are no known side effects to this herb, when given as a tincture. However, allergic contact dermatitis has been noted after contact with fresh feverfew leaves.
When consumed regularly, can be trusted butterbur reduce migraine attacks up to 60%. Clinical-trial experiment showed that the attack does not happen awfully and the duration is usually shorter. Butterbur and feverfew supplements are available in health food stores and Internet site. Ask your personal doctor.
California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
This herb has muscle relaxant and painkilling properties. It is traditionally prescribed for Migraine. It also reduces anxiety.
Science-based 21st Century Herbal Medicine enables us to identify the key active chemical constituents in a plant and understand their effect on the body's biochemistry.
Treatment can take several months but the incidence and severity of Migraine is usually reduced.
What are the side effects?
None expected if taken within the recommended dose range.
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
Skullcap can be used as a mild sedative in the treatment of Migraine. It has been traditionally prescribed for nervous tension and restlessness. It nourishes the nervous system and calms and relieves stress and anxiety. Its antispasmodic action is useful where stress and worry cause muscular tension.
What are the side effects?
None expected if taken within the recommended dose range.
These are just three of the herbs that may be used. A variety of others can be used depending on the individual patient and his / her needs. This is why an extensive case history is taken. For example, if the Migraine is triggered by stress, herbs to support the nervous system are given along with herbs to help the body's response to stress.
In cases where the trigger is hormonal, herbs to balance the hormones may be given. Patients are sometimes asked to have a blood test to ascertain hormone levels, which can usually be done through their GP.Labels: migraine
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Herbal Remedy for Constipation
Constipation is difficulty or delay in the evacuation of bowels caused
feces volume is too loud or too small feces.
Constipation is usually caused by consuming food habits to a low fiber content and water habits or ignore the desire defecate. For the herbal treatment, select one of the traditional herb medicine in the following:
Herbal medicine 1:
Prepare as many as 60 of sweet potato leaves, and then boiled with water as much as needed. And then drink the water while warm, and leaves can be eaten.
Or can be another way, namely: washing 60 grams of sweet potato leaves and 60 grams of kangkung (ipomoea aquatica Forsk.), and fried in oil or boiled with water as much as needed. Eat as well as vegetables.
Traditional Treatment 2:
Prepare 30 grams of and Alamanda leaves, boiled with water (as much as needed), then drink while the water is warm.
Natural Remedy 3:
This ingredient use Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Roxb.) herb As the medicine. This herb have a chemical compound, like volatile oil (limonina) the scent, while the flavonoida substance has benefit to heal inflammation. It's volatile oil can also kill the microbes. The terbang oil contained are anetol, pinen, felandren, dipenten, fenchon, metilchavikol, anisaldehida, anisat acid, kamfen also contain of fatty oil. Temulawak has pharmacologic effect as anti-constipation, acnevulgaris, anti-inflammation and anti hepatotocsic, laktagoga, kolagoga, tonic, diuretic, fungstatic and bakteriostatic. Fennel also helps to remove the black wind, water and encourage the arts.
To cure constipation, take 10 grams of Temulawak powder, boil with 200 ml of hot water. After warm enough, drunk regularly 2 times a day.
Herbal Remedy 4:
Following herbal ingredients is using papaya (Carica papaya L). This herbs rich in Alkaloid papaina; Karpaina; Pseudokarpaina; Glikosida karposid; Saponin; Karisina; Papaina; Papayatimina; Fitoklimasa; Karatinoid; pectin; Galaktosa; galakturonat acid. Papaya has a property Stomachic; Emenagog; Antelmintic; Anti inflammation; Antelmintic, and Diuretic.
Ingredient: Wash 300 grams of papaya fruit, 200 grams of half-ripe pineapple, and being refined with the blender, add 200 ml of drinking water. Drink this concoction. Alternatively, eat as much as 150 grams of ripe papaya fruit, regularly, twice a day.
Herbal Ingredient 5:
Aloe Vera leaf (Aloe vera Linn.) rich in food fiber that is good for preventing constipation and throw feces. For remedy, take 100 grams of Aloe Vera leaves that have been peeled and sliced, small slices, boiled with 200 ml of water until boiling, then add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while it is warm, and eat the Aloe Vera leaves. Do twice a day.
Herbal prescription drugs above are the traditional medicine that usually be used by the Javanese people to cure constipation. To ensure safety, please consult with your doctor.Labels: constipation
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Herbal Remedies for Mouth Sores
Mouth sores (sariawan) is a small sore, basic color with whitish, which occurred on the tongue, lips, or the gum so that it can cause pain. Mouth sores caused by lack of Fe, vitamin B12, vitamin C, but can also arise due to stress, or bitten by the teeth when eating. Herbal treatment using traditional medicine ingredients below:
Herbal medicine 1:
This ingredient use Betel leaves (Piperbetie L.). This herb has a chemical compounds: Eugenol; metil eugenol; Karvakral; Kavikal; Alil katekal; Kalribetol; Sineol; Estragol; Karoten; Tiamin; Riboflavin; nikotinat Acid, Vitamin C; Tanin; Sugar; Pati; amino acid. Has benefits as astringent, expectorant, sialagoga, hemostatic, and antiseptic.
Ingredient: Boil 5 pieces of betel leaves with fresh water as much as needed. And then drink the water while it is warm, regularly 2 times a day. Another way is by washing cleanly 3 sheet of betel leaves, chewing until the fine and leave in the mouth for a few minutes. Swallow the water and dispose the chewing waste product. Perform 3 times a day.
Natural medicine 2:
Take 30 grams of Ketepeng cina (Cassia alata L.) leaves, boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc water. Drunk while warm, regularly 2 times a day.
Herbal remedy 3:
Take 'Kembang merak' leaves as much as needed, boiled with water and then being used to gargle regularly 2 times a day.
Herbal Ingredient 4:
The next herbal medicine of anti mouth sores use tamarind (Tamarindus indica Linn). Chemical compound: The Tamarind fruit contains of vitamins A; substance of sugar, cellulose, Some kind of acids which is bound by potassium, tartrat, invart sugar, and pectin. This plant has benefit as a lacsan; analgesic; diaforitic, and laxative.
Ingredient: 3 finger tamarind (pit is removed) and palm sugar as much as needed. Boiled with water. Stew filtered, Drink while the water is warm, regularly twice a day. It will feel a little tender when exposed on the mouth sores part.
Natural Medicine 5:
30 grams of Hibiscus/kembang sepatu leaves are washed cleanly, cut into pieces, and add with 100 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes. After a cold, filtered. Drink 3 times a day, each 100 ml.
Herbal ingredient 6:
The last herbal ingredient is using turmeric (Curcuma domestica).
The plant used: rhizome.
Chemical compound: tumeron, zingiberon, seskuiterpena alcohol, kurkumin, bitter substance, hars fat, and vitamin C.
Benefits: kholagog; stomachic; Antispasmodic; Anti inflammation; Anti bacteria; choleretic
Ingredient: 20 grams of turmeric are washed cleanly, which has been shredded, sliced, 20 grams of tamarind without seeds, and 20 grams of fresh leaves of saga. Slice all the materials, and boil with 500 ml of water until the remaining 200 ml. After the cold filtered. Drink 2-3 times a day. This is a very effective herb used to cure mouth sores.Labels: mouth sores
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Herbal Treatment for Fluor Albus
Fluor albus (keputihan) can be experienced by women who have been him or woman who has not him. albus fluoride by the fluid discharge through the vagina genitalia form of a white viscous liquid. No interference is rarely accompanied by itchiness on the genitals and smelly liquid fluor albus not tasty.
Fluor albus can be caused by inflammation or genitals because estrogen hormonal disturbances, in addition to the possible result of psychological factors. For alternative herbal remedies, choose one of the traditional herb medicines below:
Herbal Ingredient 1
30 grams of dried pomegranate bark and 30 grams Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. water and then drink while warm.
Usage: on a regular basis 2 times a day.
Herbal Remedy 2
Take Aloe vera (Aloe vera Linn.) as much as needed, peel its skin and being blended. Boil together with 30 grams of Sambiloto and water at sufficiently. After the water is warm, drink it twice a day.
Other way is:
Aloe vera skin is peeled take as much as needed, and being blended, and then boiled with 30 grams of Sambiloto and 3 betel leaves. Boil with a water at sufficiently. After boiling, use water to clean the vagina while the water still warm. On a regular basis twice a day.
Natural Medicine 3
Medicine consists of:
15 grams of ' Jengger Ayam' dried flowers (Celosia cristata L.)
15 grams of dried Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
and 10 pieces of Iler fresh leaves (Coleus atropurpureus Benth.)
Boil all ingredients with 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After the cold filtered.
Use: Drinking while before eating. After that, boil it's residue once again, and drink the water in the afternoon
Description of plants used for medicinal healing prescription fluor albus above is as follows:
Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
This plant is also often referred to as the local name: Oray Ki, Ki Peurat, Takilo (Sunda). takila (Java). Chuan Lian xin, yi jian xi, he lan Lian (China), tam xuyen lien; Cong Cong (Vietnam). kirata, mahatitka (India / Pakistan), kariyat (UK). Chemical compound: Andrografin; Andrografoloid; Panikulin. Savor: Anti inflammation, Antipyretic, painkillers, Diuretic, Stomachic, and Anti swelling.
Aloe Vera (Aloe vera Linn.)
Chemical nature and pharmacologic effects: Pain bitter, cold. Anti-inflammation, laxative, parasitiside. This herb enter into the heart meridian, liver and pancreas. Chemical substances: Aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin, aloenin, aloesin, Betabarboloin; Damar (resin torch).
Benefits: Anti inflammation, laxative, stomachic, expectorant.
Iler (Coleus atropurpureus Benth.)
Iler grown wild in the yard or garden, can be used as ornamental plants. The plant leaves is used. It has chemical compound which is a form of mucus, volatile oil (atsiri), Alkaloid, Flavonoid, and Saponin. Has a property as emenagog and anti swelling.
Herbal prescription drugs above are the traditional medicine that usually be used by the Javanese people to cure fluor albus (keputihan). To ensure safety, please consult with your doctor.Labels: fluor albus
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedies for Epilepsy
Herbal Remedies for Epilepsy
Epilepsy is due to an aberration of the brain sensitive to the strain that repeated. Symptoms common epilepsy, among others: the empty view, a strain of repeated, foam out of the mouth, unconscious, and others.
Symptoms of epilepsy can be different on each person, and usually it is often not known. However, some of the causes of the following can cause epilepsy.
- Stroke or brain cancer.
- Poisoned certain chemical substances.
- Diseases caused by infection, such as spinal marrow infection, infection of the brain membrane, metabolic disturbances, and others.
For the herbal treatment, select one of the traditional herb medicine in the following:
Herbal medicine 1:
30 grams of leaf of Jinten/caraway seed (Coleus amboinicus Lour.), 7 leaves of Sambung nyawa (Gynura Procumbens Back), 30 grams of Sambiloto leaves (Andrographis paniculata), 30 grams of leaves meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.), and palm sugar' as much as needed. Boiled all materials with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc. after filtered, drink the water while warm. Use it twice a day
Herbal treatment 2:
The next epilepsy herbal medicine is using Aloe Vera. Take 60 grams of Aloe Vera leaves (the skin is peeled) are boiled with 600 cc of water so remains 300 cc. Drink the water while warm. Use it twice a day
Herbal remedy 3:
Boil a handful of 'Akar baru cina', 1 thumb ginger, and 1 thumb 'palm sugar' with 4 glasses of water to the remaining 2 glass. Drink twice a day as much as 1 cup.
Traditional medicine 4:
Wash clean 8-10 of ciplukan fruit (Physallis peruvianna L.) that has been cooked.
Use: to eat every day routine.

Natural medicine 5:
Pound 5 grams of dried Cabai jawa fruit (Capsicum frutescens L.), add honey at sufficient, and poke up the average. Drinking all at once.
Explanation of plant medicines used to cure epilepsy recipe above is as follows:
Ciplukan (Physallis peruvianna L.)
Ciplukan have different chemical compound, which is already known, among others: Chlorogenik acid, C27H44O-H2O, and fisalin citric acid, fruit acids contain malat, alkaloid, tanin, kriptoxantin, vitamin C and sugar, while the pit contains of Claidic acid. This plant is analgesic, diuretic, neutralize poison (detoxifies), ease coughing, activate the gland body. In China pharmacology is mentioned that this plant has a bitter taste and mild nature. The pharmacologic effect obtained from the use of roots, leaves and fruit.
Jinten/Caraway plant (amboinicus Coleus Lour.)
Caraway plant implied in the bush species. Grow well on lowland until 1100 m dpl. This plant often being planted as ornamental plants. The plants used for medicinal is throughout the plant. Caraway has a chemical compound: Volatile oil (atsiri) like fenol and potassium. The benefits are as Expectorant, antiseptic and carminative.
Sambung nyawa (Gynura Procumbens Back)
This plant is member of Compositae Family. It has pharmacologic effect like: is cold, neutral, anti neoplastic, lowering blood pressure.
Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
This plant is also often referred to as the local name: Oray Ki, Ki Peurat, Takilo (Sunda). takila (Java). Chuan Lian xin, yi jian xi, he lan Lian (China), tam xuyen lien; Cong Cong (Vietnam). kirata, mahatitka (India / Pakistan), kariyat (UK).
Chemical compound: Andrografin; Andrografoloid; Panikulin.
Benefits: anti inflammation, antipyretic, painkillers, diuretic, stomachic, and anti swelling.

Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.)
Plant part used: whole plant. Chemical compound: Filantina; Hipofilantina; potassium; resin (dammar); tanin.
Benefits: Clearing the liver, anti inflammation, anti fever, sputum shedding agent, smoothen the menstrual period, increasing appetite.
Herbal prescription drugs above are the traditional medicine that usually be used by the Javanese people to cure epilepsy. To ensure safety, please consult with your doctor.Labels: epilepsy
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Herbal medicine to treat Dengue Fever
Dengue Fever (demam berdarah) is a viral disease that is caused through mosquito aedes aegypti.
Symptoms of dengue fever are a fever that suddenly occurred, stomach ache, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath. Arise on the skin of red spots that are sometimes followed with dysentery, bleeding from the nose, and bleeding on the white eyes.
For alternative medication, can use the herbal remedies. Select a recipe below:
Herbal treatment 1:
The first ingredient, use Guava/Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava). This plant has a compound chemical: tannin, volatile oil, tri terpinoid, leukosianidin, kuersetine, arjunalot acid; Resin; fatty oil.
Guava nut is also used as anti inflammation, haemostatic, and astringent.
Make the juice of guava at sufficient, 10 grams of turmeric, and 10 grams of Temulawak.
Use: Drink twice a day
Herbal remedy 2:
Take 30 grams of fresh Dewa leaves, boil with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc.
Use: Drinking while warm twice a day
Herbal medicine 3:
Herb to treat dengue fever use Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta L). plant. This herb has a chemical substance, including: flavonoid, glycoside; sterol, eufosterol, jambulol, melisat acid, forbat acid, alkolid, sugar, and tannin. Patikan kebo have the property as: Anti inflammation haemostatic; expectorant; spasmolitic, diuretic, and antipuritic.
Boil 30 grams of leaves of Patikan kebo with 400 cc of water to remaining 200 cc.
Use: Drinking while warm , twice a day
Herbal ingredients 4:
This herb is used if a high fever. This treatment uses Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) plant.
Chemical compound: andrografin, andrografoloid, and panikulin
Benefits: as anti inflammation, severe swelling, reduce pain, bidder toxic, and others.
Take 60 grams of Sambiloto leaves, boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc.
Use: Drinking water while warm, consumption, twice a day
Herbal remedy 5:
Put holes in the edge of coconut. Press a lemon, and enter the water to the coconut.
Use: Drink twice a day in the morning and afternoon.
Herbal ingredient 6:
The last of anti dengue fever herbal remedy, using the two medicinal plant that are: Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) and Pegagan (Centella Asiatica).
Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.):
Chemicals substances: filantina, hipofilantina, potassium, damar/resin, and tannin
Benefits: clearing the heart, anti inflammation, anti fever, Peluruh sputum dissolving agent, smoothen menstrual cycle, and increasing appetite.
Pegagan (Centella Asiatica).
Chemicals compounds: asiaticoside, thankunside, isothankunside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, Meso-inosetol, centellose, carotenoids, K salt, Na, Ca, Fe, vellarine, tatin, mucilago, resin, pectin, sugar, vitamin B
Pharmacologic effect: is sweet and cool, anti-infection, anti-toxic, antipyretic, asiaticoside and vellarine. Pegagan Leaf used as atringensia and tonic. Pegagan known for revitalizing the body and brain that are tired and fertility for women. Improve circulation to the revitalization of the blood vessel.
10 grams of meniran and 10 grams of pegagan, washed clean, then boiled with 5 glasses of water to the remaining 3 glasses of water.
Usage: Drink 3 times a day, each 1 cup.
Description The above information is just an alternative treatment to cure dengue fever, in addition to synthetic drugs. We recommend, to consult the medication of dengue fever disease to your doctor, and consult the treatment you received to the pharmacist.Labels: dengue fever
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Herbal Treatment Prevent Hair Loss
Crashes that occur on the hair is from the nutrition, care, and health. Hair fall is caused by, the stop of hair gland to produces hair, a certain disease, burns in the head, typhus, stress, and others.
Medicine (Choose one of the traditional herbal medicine in the following):
Herbal medicine 1:
Tea water (thick) is condensed during the night. In the morning, use it to dampen scalp while massage evenly and leave for a few minutes, and rinse. Do regularly 3 times a week.
Herbal remedy 2:
Take candlenut tree (Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd) as much as needed, and wash until clean, then pound it until smooth. Add a water and boiled until the oil out. Apply the candlenut oil on the scalp to spread evenly. After a bit dry, do regularly twice a week.
Herbal treatment 3:
Apply an extract of lemon juice on the scalp to spread evenly. After a bit dry, also apply a yolk on the scalp evenly. Bandage/cover your head with a towel during the night. Wash your hair in the next day to clean.
Usage: on a regular basis 2 times a day.
Herbal ingredient 4:
Soak Cayenne pepper/Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) as much as needed with 75% alcohol for 14 days, the water and then be smeared on the scalp. Do regularly twice a day.
Natural medicine 5:
Use this herb celery (Apium graveolens L), which is very good to maintain fertility and strengthen the hair roots of hair.
Take Celery stalk sufficiently, washed clean, and smashed. Apply to scalp while a doing a massage. Make every day
Herbal treatment 6:
Take a Pare leaves (Momordica Charantia L.) that is fresh, washed clean, smashed, and pressed. Use the extract water to shampoo and leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse to clean. This herbal concoction is quite effective to reduce hair loose.
Herbal remedy 7:
Peel aloe vera leaf, rubbed in the head until evenly and leave for several hours, and rinse to clean. Do regularly 3 times a week. In three months time, the hair fall will look being reduced.
Herbal medicine 8:
Waru leaves (Hibiscus tiliaceus L.) is very good to enrich the hair, strengthen hair roots and reduce the baldness.
Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.). This herbs have a chemical compound such alkaloid, saponin, flavonoida, tannin, polifenol, and color substance. Pandan has a property as sedative, stomachic, and tonic
Prepare 10 waru young leaves of the fresh
A handful urang-aring leaves (Eclipta alba Hassk.)
5 mangkokan leaves
1 pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.)
10 jasmine flowers
1 and rose flowers
After washing clean material is prepared, cut into pieces, into the saucepan, add ½ cup coconut oil and ½ cup sesame oil, and heat until boiling. After a cold, filtered.
Usage: apply to the scalp while do a message. Do at night before bed and in the morning shampoo your hair. Perform 2-3 times a week. Within two months the hair will look fine and the hair fall/baldness will reduce.
Choose one of the above ingredients, for use as an alternative treatment, cure hair fall.Labels: hair treatment
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Anti Impotency Herbal
Impotency is one part of Erectile Dysfunction. Not only the physical inability to perform coitus, the disease can also cause psychological impact for the man who suffer it. For these men will not be able to conduct his sexual activities is reasonable, so bring a feeling of emotional minder to become unstable.
A man with an impotency problem not have enough resistance that occurs during sexual intercourse, or sometimes his penis can not erect during have sex. Marriage is not rare to be destroyed because of this disease.
If you are a men belonging to impotency problems, you can try herbal ingredients and following traditional medication recipes, usually within one month, you can recover it.
Before making the ingredients, it's good to know about herbal plants which is used, namely: Pulosari, black pepper and garlic
Pulosari (Alyxia stellata Rest. Sch)
This type of herbs, belonging to bush, ivy, rounded wooden stem, fork, having a certain color green. Single leaf, oval, white greenness. Perbungaan tassel forms, in the armpit leaves, crown funnel shape, the color white. Small fruit, like eggs, green.
Chemicals compound: Andrografin; Andrografoloid; Panikulin
Functionality : Stomachic; Carminative; Antispasmodic; Antitusif; Emenagog
Black Pepper
This plant contains of pepper oil (smell like phellandren), alkaloida (piperine), fat oil, starch and chavisin.
Pharmacological effect: In the China treatment has a spicy taste, warm, slightly bitter and anti pyretic. Refreshment and body warmer, boost alacrity, stimulate sweat secretion and asthmatic medication.
Active substances - Kamfeina: stimulate the occurrence of convulsions; Boron: stimulate hormone secretion, androgen and estrogen, prevents osteoporosis; Calamene: to stimulate the spirit; Carvacrol: prevent prostaglandin, fresher, muscle relaxation, eliminate fatigue; Chavicine: to stimulate the spirit.
Garlic (Allium sativum Linn.)
Garlic is very popular herbal medication in the world. Plant part used is the tuber. Gynecology chemicals owned garlic is sulfur; Protein; Fat; Dialilsulfide; alilprophil-disulfide; Calcium, phosphorus, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C
Garlic has a property such as: Diaphoretic; Expectorant; Spasmolitic; Antelmintic; antiseptic; Anticoagulant; Antihistamine; Bakteriostatic.
Herbal ingredient for impotency:
15 grams pulosari.
2 chicken eggs, taken the yolk only.
25 grains of black pepper.
1 tablespoon honey original.
3 cloves garlic.
How to make:
Pepper or black pepper be smashed finely. Garlic and pulosari be smashed finely all together.
Mix all together. Mix two yolk (chicken should be, not the domestic chicken).
Shake up finely; and with a teaspoon of fresh honey. Honey is also must be real honey, but if not there can also use date honey. After it is stirred well, and then eat up every morning. Within 1 week the results will be visible. But this herb should be eaten every morning for a month.
Other Ingredient:
10 grams of pit of pare (Momordica Charantia L.), and 5 grams of coriander. Boil with 400 cc of water remaining to 200 cc. After being filtered, drink its water while it is warm twice a day.
Beside the herbal remedies above you can also do this:
Take 100 grams of row soybean cake being consumed every morning before breakfast. Or Consume an eggplant (purple color) every day.
Hopefully, this herbal ingredient can help heal your impotency naturally, and restore your sexual activities such as due.
Here is an article reated with this topic form Advice Medic: Impotency, an alert of Heart Disorders for people with Diabetes
Labels: impotency
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Eczema Herbal Treatment
Eczema Herbal Treatment
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is an allergic reaction to the skin. Eczema disease can arise because the skin is not resistant to substance-specific substances such as cosmetics that are not suitable for skin or chemicals other. Disease eczema can occur in anyone, of up to five adults. But more often attack the people who gifted allergy, especially in the family that has a history of allergy to food or certain goods.
More details about the symptoms and prevent can be read in this article:
Herbs that are used to cure eczema disease are:
Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.)
Effect: as anti inflammation, severe swelling, reduce pain, bidder toxic, and others.
Ketepeng China (Cassia alata L.)
Chemical compound: Glycoside anthrakinon; Resin; krisofanat acid; tannin; Aloe emodin
This herbs has benefits as a Laxative, Parasitiside, cure the itchy, insecticidal, as a skin drug caused by skin parasites, and others. Sambiloto also be used as a Hepatitis Alternative Medicine.
Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roburgh)
Chemical compound: contain of volatile oil like limonene to make fragrant, flavonoide as an anti inflammation. Volatile oil also can kill microbe. It fruit contain of anetol, pinen, felandren, dipenten, fenchon, metilchavikol, anisaldehide, anisat acid, camphor and fatty oil.
Pharmacologic effect : little bitter, as a laxantive, ease pain (analgesic), acnevulgaris, anti-inflammation and anti hepatotocsic, laktagoga, kolagoga, tonikum, diuretic, fungstatic and bakteriostatic, and also as diuretic.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Chemical compound: Tumeron; Zingiberon; Seskuiterpena alcohol; Curcumin; bitter compound; hars fat; Vitamin C
Benefits: Kholagog; Stomachic; Antispasmodic; Anti inflammation; Anti bacteria; Choleretic, smooth circulation of blood, and others.
Here are some sample recipes for treatment ekzim:
Herbal remedy for eczema:
Recipes 1. (for internal medication) Take 30 grams of wild ginger (chop up finely) + 10 grams of dry Sambiloto + palm sugar as much as needed, washed cleanly and then boil with a water up to 500 cc remaining 200 cc, filtered and drink it.
Recipes 2. (for external medication) Take ketepeng China leaf as much as needed, washed clean and mashed, add 1 teaspoon of Gambier and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, heated briefly, let it for a while until it warm enough, and then be smeared on the affected eczema.
Recipes 3. (for external medication) take turmeric (ripe) as much as needed, washed cleanly and shredded, add 1 spoonful of Gambier water whiting a juice of 1 lime, stirred up evenly, and mix just now be smeared on the affected skin eczema.
Recipes 4. (for external medication) Take a fresh Sambiloto, washed and mashed, add a little sulfur dust, stirred smoothly, and be smeared on the body affected by eczema.Labels: eczema
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Medicinal Plants | Turmeric (Cucrcuma zedoaria)
Herbal Medicinal Plants | Turmeric (Cucrcuma zedoaria)

Especially in India and China, have long history, turmeric (Cucrcuma zedoaria) is used as
anti-inflammation drugs. In addition, turmeric is also used to cure flatulence, colic, bruise,
menstrual pain, lower back pain, bloody urine and toothache. The main pharmacological ingredients found in turmeric is curcumin, which has anti-inflammation effect, but strong enough to use safely.
A study shows that curcumin also has a strong effect of antioxidants, so it is able to prevent free radical in the human body. Therefore, turmeric can be used to overcome various diseases such as inflammation of joints, prevent cancer, cystic fibrosis or mitigate disease that attacks the lungs.
Turmeric may also increase the lever function, maintain heart blood vessel, Alzheimer prevent disease, and reduce the risk to the child leukemia.
Studies conducted by Prof. Moolky nagabhushan from Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, USA, showed that curcumin in turmeric can:
- Prevent chromosome damage due to radiation
- Prevent mutation of genes PAHs (polycydic aromatic hydrocarbons), which is similar substances carcinogenic incurred due to burning, such as from smoking activity.
- multiplication prevent leukemia cell
- Prevent the production of components that may be generated by the process of food metabolism in the body, such as meat containing nitrosamine.
Gynecology nutrition:
Mangan, fe, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), fiber, potassium.Labels: turmeric
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal remedies | Gallstone Treatment
Herbal remedies | Gallstone Treatment
Although surgery is one way to remove gallstone medically. But there is another way to cure this disease without having to perform surgery. That is by using herbal plants. However, this can be effective if the size of gallstone is still relatively small.
Some ingredients in traditional empirical are given in gallstone patients. Some people who have successfully healed. One of the ingredients is leaf Sambiloto (Andrographys paniculata [Burm.f.] Nees) and Keji Beling/Reullaea Folium (Reulla napifera Zoll Mor).
Natural medicine to cure gallstone
Herbal ingredient 1
30 grams of Keji Beling/Reullaea Folium leaves (Reulla napifera Zoll Mor)
30 grams fresh Sambiloto (Andrographys paniculata [Burm.f.] Nees)
60 grams of corn hair
all boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 300 cc. Water and then filtered. drink while warm.
Keji Beling/Reullaea Folium contain of alkali , silicate acid, Carbonate and Trite Pena. This herbs is used as a Diuretic agent.
Herbal ingredient 2
There is also a way to do it with us to drink 4 glasses of apple every day for 5 days. In the day-to-6, do the fasting. When you break a fast in the evening, at 18:00, drink fresh water added to 30 grams of Epsom salts, at 20:00, drink 1 / 2 glass of lemon water plus 1 / 2 cup olive oil, herb and mix it and please drink.
Herbal ingredient 3
Temulawak / wild ginger herb ( Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Roxb.) can also help overcome problems liver and gall stones. I: 1 tablespoon dry powder temulawak, diseduh with one cup hot water. Drink this concoction once a day to maintain health liver.
Temulawak contain of volatile oil like limonina that scent and can kill bacteria, beside the flavonoid has benefit as an anti-inflammation. It’s flower contain of anetol, pinen, felandren, dipenten, fenchon, metilchavikol, anisaldehide, anisat acid, chamfer and fatty oil.
Temulawak has some pharmacologic effect like anti constipation, acnevulgaris, anti-inflammntion and anti hepatotoksic, laktagoga, kolagoga, tonic, diuretics, fungstatic and bakteriostatic.
Of course, we still recommend that you consult with your doctor. Make low-fat dietary pattern, because fat causes the gall bladder work harder. Keep body weight that is not too fat and avoid foods that can potentially interfere with the digestion.
Therefore, our suggestion, I hope this information is useful to help cure gallstone disease in a way natural.Labels: gallstone
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Rosella Side Effect
Rosella Side Effect
Rosella flower sheath including a herbal with many used for health purposes. Rosella has a citric acid content, acid malat, antosianin, hibiscin, vitamin C, protein, and flavonoid. of various substances are the most interesting is flafonoid substance called gossypectine, hibiscetine and sabdaretine, the antioxidants that are strong enough to be used against free radicals, which damage the human body.
Because of this acid content that is cause rosella have acidic characteristic. This acid can potentially cause pain in the stomach, due to excess stomach acid. So if less precise rosella is used or can be considered to cure ulcer disease. For those who have trouble of stomach sore or ulcer, use of herbal or other materials that are acid, including vitamin C, should be limited.
To avoid stomachaches, the food or drinks that contain herbal including acid, should be consumed after the meal. That is when the stomach is not in the empty condition. Special to rosella, you can safely consume, in a way to create tea rosella.
Rosella Tea:
Take 2 - 3 bud sheath rosella is still fresh, clean, add the hot water of 200 ml. Let it for 10 minutes, may be drunk, can be added with honey. You can drink this tea, three times a week. Once a drink is 200 ml.
So far there is no information about the side effects of rosella, related to kidney health.Labels: rosella
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Expectorants Herbal
Expectorants Herbal
There are a few herbal ingredients that are used to loosen a cough with phlegm. In fact, some herbal ingredients are produced and sold in drug stores or pharmacies. Practically, if you want, you can ask a herbal medicine on the pharmacist.
One of the many plants used as traditional medicine that is used as an expectorants is thymi (Thymus vulgaris). This plant can be used as herbal tea by adding 1 gram of thymi herbal powder with a cup of hot water. After warming, add 1 spoonful of honey. You can drink this concoction 3 - 4 times a day.
As an expectorants, thymi ingredients can be combined with licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Thymi as herbal, licorice root has the effect as expectorant or sputum thinning agent. This herb can be consumed by adding 1 - 2 grams of licorice root dry powder with a cup of hot water. Drinking this concoction 3 - 4 times a day.
Hopefully this expectorants herbal ingredient can help relieve loosen a cough with phlegm which you are suffering.
Here are herbal ingredients related with influenza and cough you may know:
Herbal Medical Care: Herbal remedies for Antihistaminic and Anti-influenza
Herbal Medical Care: Herbal Ingredient | Coughing Dispel with Radish
Labels: coughing, expectorant
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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Skin Care | Kencur / greater galingale herb as a Natural Sunscreen
Herbal Skin Care | Kencur / greater galingale herb as a Natural Sunscreen
A research conducted by the University of Airlangga, Surabaya benefit kencur (Kaempferia galangal) as a natural sun screen. P-ethyl compound and metoksisinamat of kencur shows the activity as a sun screen, although less eligible because most are dissolved in the water and cause irritation.
This research aims to utilize the compound p-ethyl metoksisinamat as a raw material for the sunscreen compound (p oktil-metoksisinamat) through the hydrolysis stage, the formation of chloride acid, and alcoholisis.
Oktilp-metoksisinamat sunscreen compound is the most often used because it has a small risk of allergy, with the use of low concentration.
To know the compound's activity as a sunscreen compound, testing activities are conducted in vitro. The effectiveness of sunscreen compound can be expressed through the active compound content, the percentage of eritema and pigmentation transmission, SPF also be carried out by spectrometry.
Results of research indicate that the SPF value on the compound concentration of <12 mg / ml, including the type of protection at least, 12-15 mg / ml as protection medium, 15-20 mg / ml as extra protection, 20-40 mg / ml as maximum protection, and concentration of 40 mg / ml as ultra protection.
Sunblind solar activity based on the percentage of eritema and pigmentation transmission have any effect on the sun block protection concentration 40 mg / ml.
Unfortunately, the results of this research has not been the attention to be developed further. During this person prefer to utilize kencur / greater galingale herb as cold medicine, asthma, digestive disturbances and strained.Labels: kencur, skin care, sunscreen