Thursday, April 30, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedy | Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) Stabilize Blood Pressure

Herbal Remedy | Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) Stabilize Blood Pressure

Mengkudu  (Morinda citrifolia)
Mengkudu fruit (Morinda citrifolia) in the Java language, known by the name of pace, kemudu, flower, cengkudu (Sunda), kodhuk (Madura), wengkudu (Bali) came from Southeast Asia region, classified in the family Rubiaceae. This plant grows in low altitude in 1500 m. The mengkudu tree reach 3-8 m height, has a white flower. Fruit is green and has a shiny spots. Leaved thick shiny.

Gynecology of mengkudu

Nutritional substances

overall mengkudu is a food with complete nutrients. Nutritional substances that the body needs, such as protein, vitamin, and important minerals, is available enough inside fruit and leaves of mengkudu. Selenium, a mineral that is found in the mengkudu is a powerful antioxidants. Various types of compound in the mengkudu: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, antra quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc..


This substance helps in the process of organic synthesis and recovery of body cells.

Anti-bacterial substances

Oxygen-active substances in the juice mengkudu can kill bacteria that cause infections, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protens morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and Escherichia coli. Anti-bacterial substance that can also control the bacterial pathogen (death), such as Salmonella montivideo, S. scotmuelleri, S. typhi, and Shigella dusenteriae, S. flexnerii, S. pradysenteriae, and Staphylococcus aureus.


Scolopetin compound as a very effective element of anti-inflammation and anti allergic. Anti-cancer substances that are on the mengkudu most effective against abnormal cells.

Xeronine and Proxeronine

One of the important alkaloid that contain in the mengkudu fruit is xeronine. Mengkudu fruit contain only slightly of xeronine, but many contain material forming (precursor) xeronine alias proxeronine in large numbers. Proxeronine is similar nucleate acid such as other colloids. Xeronine absorbed body cells to enable proteins that is not active, set the structure and form of the active cell.

Benefits of mengkudu

Fruit Mengkudu (Pace) contains Scopoletin, a compound that serves to set up blood pressure. When high blood pressure, help lower scopoletin. Conversely if the blood pressure becomes low, it will rise up. Beside as an anti antibacterial, this compound also set the serotonin hormone, which helps decrease the rate of worries and depression. This nutritious substances in the body's defense system to improve. In addition to the above two substances, mengkudu also contains gum, malat acid, citric acid, and antiseptic compound. Mengkudu also has antiseptic and antibacterial pathogen that is Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. Results of research showed the more mature then the substances-substances that are useful growing. Among the womb anthraquinone compound as anti-bacteria and fungi, turpentine works rejuvenate the body cells, dammacanthel that can prevent the development of cancer cells and the growth of abnormal cells in the pre-cancer stages. Fruit contain of 52% water also store a variety of vitamins, including askorbat acid, acid kaproat, kaprik acid and acid kaprilat able to prevent the free radicals cause cancer.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedies | Preventing Tonsillitis (radang amandel)

Herbal Remedies | Preventing Tonsillitis (radang amandel)

Tonsillectomy or tonsil is a collection of lymphoid network, which is located in the throat at the back end of the second bending back of the mouth. Tonsil function does not prevent the infection spread to the entire body in a way keep the bacteria enter the body through the mouth, nose, and throat, because it was not uncommon to experience tonsil inflammation. Inflammation in the tonsil is called with tonsillitis; this disease is one of the interference ENT (Ear Nose & Throat). Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic. Form of severe acute that is not usually take about 4-6 days, and generally attack the children at the age of 5-10 years. While tonsillitis / chronic tonsil that occur in repeated and longstanding

Tonsillitis / tonsil (tonsillitis) is caused by streptococcus group A beta hemolytic bacterial infection, but can also be caused by bacteria or other types of infection by the virus. In the acute tonsillitis is usually started with the symptoms of a mild sore throat to a severe, pain when swallow food, and sometimes vomiting. Tonsillitis can cause a swollen tonsil, fever, itching, pain in muscles and joints, on the whole body aches, chill, headache, and pain in the ear. Lymph nodes in the region weakened submandibuler. The back of the throat will feel so hard to swallow ridge.

On chronic tonsillitis, a relapse of sore throat can be occurred, and pus flow out from the tonsil indentation. The attack occurred in repeated, tonsil visible belly, red, and become abses (speckled white pus yellowish). Tonsil enlargement / tonsillectomy can be very large so that the left tonsil and the right to meet each other and can interfere with the respiratory road.

Tonsil acute inflammation or swelling of the tonsil is not too large and not in the way respiratory, and does not cause complications, does not need to do surgery / operation, because the tonsil network made of lymph can prevent the body of work that is not exposed to disease-related infections.

To care and be treated a few steps as follows:
  • Arranged for drinking lots of fluids like water or juice, especially during fever. * Do not drink ice, syrup, ice cream, food and drinks refrigerated, fried food, the marinated food, and candy.
  • Gargle warm salt water 3-4 times a day.
  • Put warm compress on my neck every day.
  • Given antibiotic therapy (up doctor instructions) when there is a bacterial infection and to prevent complications.
  • Rest enough.

However, when chronic tonsillitis with tonsil swelling that is too large so that disturb respiration, or the emergence of complications, are usually required surgery / medical operation to remove the tonsil.

There are herbs that can be used for tonsillitis care and natural treatment. Some of herbal have any effect as anti-inflammation, antibiotics, and the swelling (anti-swelling).

Here are some examples of medicinal herb plants that can be used for tonsillitis:

Herbal Ingredient 1

Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) powder of 3 - 4.5 grams. Add with 200 cc hot water, add 1 tablespoon honey, stirred, and drunk warm-warm. Or 30 grams fresh Sambiloto or 15 grams of dried, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water added to 200 cc pineapple fruit juice, stirred, and to be drunk 3 times a day, every time you drink 200 cc. (for acute tonsillitis)

Herbal Ingredient 2

2 pieces mengkudu / pace (Morinda citrifolia L.)
20 grams of cooked turmeric (Curcuma alba L.)
washed and mashed, strained and taken water, add with an extract of 1 lemon fruit, and 1 tablespoon honey, stirred, and drunk. Perform 2-3 times a day. (for acute tonsillitis).

Herbal Ingredient 3

30 grams parasite tree of lemon or tea
30 grams of turmeric (Curcuma alba L.)
10 grams of dried Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
20 grams of saffron
boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered water to drink twice a day, every time you drink 200 cc. (For chronic tonsillitis, tonsil enlargement with a quite large).

Herbal Ingredient 4

10 pieces of cocor bebek leaf mashed or blended, water used to rinse the throat. Perform 2-3 times a day.

Herbal Ingredient 5

Make juice of 30-60 grams of root of bunga pukul empat, the water is used to rinse the throat (gargle), and swallowed. Do 2 times a day.

Source: Prof. HM Hembing Wijayakusuma


Saturday, April 25, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbs | The Benefit of Rosella

Herbs | The Benefit of Rosella

Rosella (Hibiscus rosa sabdariffa)
Rosella (Hibiscus rosa sabdariffa) is very famous plant in Indonesia. Previously, the plants flower pod is known as frambozen and materials are often used to make a framboze syrup. Just now, rosella flower sheath, known as the herbal tea drink called rosella.

Rosella plants growing in many countries, such as Sudan, Mexico, Jamaica, Brazil, Panama, to several states of the USA and Australia. Many people take the plants that came from Africa. For, indeed, many plants found there. Distribution can not be separated from the slave who was sent to some parts of the world.

Plant is known in various names, such as jamaican sorell (West India), oseille rouge (France), quimbombo Chino (Spain), karkade (North Africa), and bisap (Senegal). While in Indonesia, the plant is more commonly known as green mrambos (Central Java), Asam Jarot (Padang), Asam Rejang (Muara Enim), etc..

At the plant, the flower is not nutritious, but the red sheath of its flower. Indeed, the sheath shaped like flowers, especially if it is dried. Sheath can be consumed in the form of fresh and boiled such as tea. Rosella flower sheath in the form of a fresh can be used to make foods such as pudding, salad mix, juice, candy, jelly, and syrup. Besides the delicious taste, flower sheath has the true enough of complete pharmacologic effect.

Active material and Gynecology Rosella flower sheath

rosella teaActive material from the sheath of rosella flowers are grossypeptin, antosianin, gluside hibiscin, and flavonoid. Each 100 gram sheath of rosella flowers contain 260-280 mg vitamin C, Vitamin D, B1 and B2. Gynecology vitamin C, 3 times wine black, 9-fold citrus orange, 10 times more than the fruit star fruit and 2.5-fold compared to vitamin C in guava fruit. Inition, tea contains Rosella High Calcium (486mg / 100 gr), Magnesium and Omega 3. Rosella Tea also rich of Vitamin A, fe, Potassium, Beta & Carotene acid essential.

Flavonoid interest in the sheath is very useful to prevent cancer. In fact, some scientists call flavonoid that can treat cancer, especially because the free radicals, such as stomach cancer and leukemia. In addition, rosella tea can be used for people with hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis and throw urine (as diuretic), smooth the flow of blood (blood can reduce the thickness), prevent infection (as antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti inflammation), treat mouth sores (because containing of vitamin C), reduce blood cholesterol level, etc.. Special diabetics mellitus, in addition to lowering blood sugar, rosella flower sheath can cure disease (probably due role in flavonoid neutralize free radicals that cause damage to beta cells pancreas that produce insulin).

Herbal Ingredient of Rosella

Plants flower sheath a red, old, thick and fleshy. The dense red color, the more sour taste with the benefit that is also bigger. Rosella tea can be made in the following way.

Take three to four fresh rosella flower bud, clean wash, and then add with hot water (one cup). After a few times, press to the sheath so that the water colored red, and then filtered.

Water can then be drunk. A day, drinking one to three cups of rosella tea. To be more comfortable, can be added a honey and lime juice.

For dried rosella flower sheath, take three to five bud and add with a glass of hot water. Wait three to ten minutes. Then, it can be drunk as much as one to three times per day. To be more delicious, can be added honey or sugar, or with ice cube.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal remedy | Jahe Merah (Amomum Zingiber L) as a Natural Viagra

Herbal remedy | Jahe Merah (Amomum Zingiber L) as a Natural Viagra

Amomum Zingiber L as natural viagra
Jahe Merah (Amomum Zingiber L) can be used as an alternative sexual harassment healer without chemical elements. The Javanese call “sunti ginger”, while the people of Aceh call it “halia barah”. Jahe Merah is ideal used as natural viagra.

Without the chemical, the plant itself is rich with the natural chemical contents, including gingerol and terbang oil, limonene, 1.8 cineole, l0 dehydrogingerdione, 6-gingerdione, arginine, alpha linolenic acid, aspartic, Betha-sitosterol, caprylic acid, capsaicin, chlorogenic acid, farnesal, farnesene and farnesol.

Erection Booster Substance

Element 1.8 cineole overcome premature ejaculation, while anesthetic anti cholinesterase able to stimulate nerve activity and stimulates the central erection. In addition to stimulating erection and the premature ejaculation, plants that have causticity is able to stimulate mucous stomach and large intestine and reduce pain. Red Ginger also can treat influenza, stimulates secretion breast milk, encourage production of lymph, the body's immune maintain, prevent sterility and strengthen resistance sperm. Farnesal elements contained in the plant is also able to prevent the aging process by stimulate skin cell regeneration.

Herbal Viagra

jahe merah as natural viagraMeanwhile, to get fit effect or viagra effect can be obtained by drink the ginger stewed water. Meanwhile, to increase sexual passion, you can mix the red ginger with galangale (Alpinia galanga), mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia), pepper, chicken yolk and salt.

Finely grind Jahe Merah, galangale and pepper. Then add mengkudu juice and a glass of boiled water.

After that, filter the mixture until you get a glass of ingredients water.

Add salt and poke average. Water in the glass is further divided into two parts and each added a chicken yolk, stirred and ready to be consumed even by the husband and wife who needs it. Can be also added one tablespoon honey for each of the ingredients.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blog Has Moved

Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedy | Cure Bedwetting (ngompol) with Jamblang Fruit

Herbal Remedy | Cure Bedwetting (ngompol) with Jamblang Fruit

Bedwetting disease (nocturnal enuresis) is the expenditure does not realize that urine when sleeping. Bedwetting sometimes also used to refer to the children who failed to control expenditure urine when they awake.

Normally, bedwetting on child often happened during the age 5 - 6 years. During this ages, the bedwetting habits is considered reasonable because the child is not yet capable to control their urine while they sleep.

Bedwetting caused by at least not yet or not functioning of this two mechanisms, namely:

  • Anti diuretic hormone cycle. Hormone that is useful to press urine production. Usually start off the evening by the body, so that the amount of urine at night is reduced.
  • Full bladder sensation. Sensation is strong enough so that when the child is able to build up and then sleep for urinating in the bathroom or toilet.

If the child still bedwetting in the age of 6 years, the checks must be done, because there may be a problem in the second case above. Bedwetting also caused by the descendants disease and some disease such as bladder infections, metabolic disturbances (early age diabetes), or due to interference in the spinal cord of children.

For that it is important to know completely about the history of the patients health condition, also urine and physical examination. For that you need to consult with your doctor.

In addition to secondary treatment, you can also try traditional / herbal remedy use jamblang fruit (Syzygium cumini) which have the empirical evidence to cure bedwetting disruption to the child.

Herbal Ingredients

Take the 7 jamblang’s seed pounded finely and then boiled with 1 ½ cup of water with a little sugar to the half. Drink this herbal ingredient all at once, once a day until the bedwetting has recovered.

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