Saturday, May 30, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbs | Temulawak / Wild Ginger an Empirical testing to Clinical

Herbs | Temulawak / Wild Ginger an Empirical testing to Clinical

Wild ginger Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza roxb)
Wild ginger / Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza roxb) is a medicinal plant native Indonesia. Wild Ginger / temulawak included in the ginger family (zingiberaceae), although there, the official distribution of the plant Curcuma javanica as this, only limited on the island of Java, Maluku and Kalimantan. Temulawak grow as a bush not trunked. Start from base of leaf stalk is create a long spring. Higher plants between 2 to 2.5 meters. Long round leaves, like banana leaves.

Since a long times ago temulawak has been used as a febrifuge, stimulate appetite, treat jaundice, diarrhea, mag, flatulence, and weary. Last known, temulawak can also lower blood fat, prevent blood clotting as antioxidants, and maintain health by increasing the immune power. Some benefits are evident and the clinical end.

Temulawak / wild ginger Protect Heart

Pulp (rhizome) temulawak compound contains several chemicals, including atsiri oil fellandrean and turmerol, chamfer, glucosidal, foluymetik carbinol, and curcumin. Curcumin known as the womb that gives many benefits, especially as anti hepototoksik and antioxidants.

A study reported in the animal experiment, the strong curcumin prevent enzyme cytochrome 4501A1/1A2 in the heart. Isoenzim this enzyme is involved in several toxin bioactive including benzo [a] pyrene. Curcumin also found to prevent the formation of kovalen association between cytochrome P450 and DNA. And, the researchers concluded that curcumin can prevent carcinogenesis by chemical modulate the function of P450.

In addition, curcumin also found to offer heart protection against alcohol toxicities. This effect is evident in a study conducted on mice that being inducted with 25% ethanol. Mice that have curcumin 80 mg / kg BB decreased heart rate and enzyme acid reactive products tiobarbiturat. In addition, a study also shows, curcumin reduce liver damage through reduction of peroxides lipid. This is observed in the rat heart has been inducted with fe. Still based on pre-clinical studies, reported curcumin activities also increase glutathione-S-transferase. This enzyme is important in the process of detoxification.

Curcumin Clinical Test

A clinical test that is not so great has been done in the country to see the benefits curcumin in improving heart function. This study involved 38 patients about heart trouble or have a value of SGOT and SGPT in the top 5 from the normal areas (Bogor, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Palembang and Jakarta). Patients given combination curcumin 25 mg, 100 mg essential phospholipid, and vitamin E 100 mg. Studies using this method without seeding trial or benchmark. Observations made by about 20 researchers in the period July-December 1998.

The parameter used is the value of SGOT and SGPT. SGPT is an enzyme produced by hepatocytes, the many types of cells found in the liver. SGPT level in the blood will increase in line with damage to the hepatocytes cells that can occur due to hepatitis virus infection, alcohol, drugs that is induct the occurrence of damage to hepatocytes, and for others such as shock or drug poisoned.

SGPT values that are considered normal is 0 - 35 units per liter (u / l). Increased SGPT 50 times the value of the low indicates normal blood flow to the liver, hepatitis, or liver cell damage caused by the drug / chemical compound such as CCl4. Increased SGPT values can light up are caused by the hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer and alcohol on the liver. Sometimes cirrhosis only occurs in the value of SGPT increased 2-4 times from the normal value.

SGOT while many organs found on the heart, liver, muscle order, pancreas, lungs, red blood cells and brain cells. When cells are damaged organs, the SGOT will be released in the blood. Result will be seen when measuring the amount of correlation or level of illness of the cells occurred. Normal SGOT values ranging from 3 - 45 units per liter (u / l). SGOT Increased value can be caused by the hepatitis C. In the acute hepatitis, an increase can occur up to 20 times their normal values.

The study shows, based on a statistical calculation, decrease the value of SGOT and SGPT significant. After 14 days therapy, the decline in value of the total patient SGOT to reach 2.89 times, while for SGPT reached 3.28 times compared to before treatment. The results do not differ greatly also found in individuals who suffer non-hepatitis and hepatitis. Hepatitis patients experienced a decrease of 3.48 times SGOT and SGPT was 3.82 times, compared to before treatment. Are on the individual non hepatitis, a decrease in SGOT occurred around 1.91 times and 2.15 times as much as SGPT.

Excavate Other Benefits

Up to now, many studies have been conducted to try to get benefit from this valuable tubers. Studies of the incentive is to be seen as an anti tumor benefit curcumin to treat cancer disease. Numerous reports indicate, kurkumoid including curcumin have chemo preventive and curative activity against cancer. Studies are generally conducted on the animal experiment with the different routes and tested with the system in vitro.

However, few studies have also been started recently conducted in humans.
Another benefit that is also being spied on from curcumin is retardation of the replication Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). A study shows, curcumin prevent the fusion of virus in the cell cycle of HIV replication. Various studies conducted to continue to explore the point of light. If all of the clinically evident, the plants that contain curcumin will benefit the rich.

Source: Farmacia Magazine


Monday, May 25, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedy | Black Ginger As anthelmintik

Herbal Remedy | Black Ginger As anthelmintik

Black Ginger Increasing Appetite
Black Ginger (curcumae aeruginosae rhizoma) is a bush plant. Black ginger relative easily developed, and many found in the pasture, fields up to a height of 400 - 750 meters above sea level. Medicinal plant produces large rhizome, sharp and bitter taste.

Benefit of Black Ginger

As a helminthic (anthelmintik), shedding flatus (carminative), shedding sputum, increase appetite (stigmatic), and cleaning the blood after birth or menstruation.

effects of pharmacologic revealed the influence of extract black ginger rhizome to the askaris worms (a kind of parasitic worms in the digestive) of pigs in vitro, and the small intestine (jejunum) contraction of marmot.

The black ginger rhizome juice can kill askaris pigs worms like citric piperasin. The fluid of its rhizome can press amplitude of spontaneous contraction rabbit intestine (FXs Dirdjosudjono, Taroeno, Sudjiman, et al., and the pharmacologist FKH Section Pharmacology Pharmacy, University of Gajah Mada FF).

based on the research, the power of black ginger rhizome to kill askaris worms (anthelmintik) in the pig in vitro, in fact, the anthrlmintik power of its asiri oil is stronger compared with most black ginger infus juice (Taroeno, Kun Sumardiyah S., and Sugiyanto, Pharmaceutical Biology Section, FF UGM).

the frequently used as a medicine is its rhizome. but in storing of black ginger rhizome, there are a few things to note. after them were washed clean, sliced, and then dried. how good is by aired out so that not a lot of natural oil that is missing if compared to directly after the wash stored in a dry place.

The Black Ginger Herbal Ingredient

25 gr blackginger rhizome (curcumae aeruginosae rhizoma),
15 grams bangle rhizome (Zingiber cassumunar roxb.),
5 pieces of betel leaf,
5 grains of coriander seeds.
4 grams of areca nut seeds.

all boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. drinking filtered ago.

otherwise, get a black ginger rhizome juice (a thumb of black ginger rhizome) mixed with a little honey and warm water.

Please try this herb, and prove the benefit of black ginger as an anthemintik (exterminator worms).


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedies | Black Ginger as Menstruation Painful Abating Agent

Herbal Remedies | Black Ginger as Menstruation Painful Abating Agent

Black Ginger Increasing AppetiteTake 25 grams of black Ginger rhizome (curcumae aeruginosae rhizoma)
20 grams greater galingale / kencur rhizome (Kaempferia galangal).
20 grams of turmeric
2 segment of tamarind

Boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, and filtered. drink while warm.

Clean up the blood after the birth

Wash clean two thumb of black ginger rhizome, remove the skin. pound until smooth, add half a cup of hot water, and poke until evenly distributed. after cold, filtered with a clean cloth and water simultaneously. do for three hours after meals.

Take 25 grams of black ginger rhizome. boiled with water until the remaining 400 cc 200 cc, and filtered. add the honey if necessary. drink while warm.

As expectorant

washing 25 grams of fresh black ginger rhizome and sliced thinly. Boiled with two glasses of water to boil for 20 minutes. After cold, filtered, and divided the two lots to drink in the morning and afternoon. can also add the ginger in the ingredients.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Blog Has Moved

Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Remedies | Black Ginger Increasing Appetite

Herbal Remedies | Black Ginger Increasing Appetite

Black Ginger Increasing Appetite
Black Ginger (curcumae aeruginosae rhizoma) can be used as solutions to push up appetite (stomachic) and worms as well as natural medicine.

Herbal Ingredient 1

Take a thumb of black ginger rhizome. wash to clean, and sliced thinly. boiled with two glasses of water to a glass left. To reduce the bitter taste, mixed with palm sugar or natural sweetener. after the cold, the filter is divided into two ago for twice the drink. morning and evening before meals.

Herbal Ingredient 2

Take a thumb of black ginger rhizome, wash clean, and then shredded. use the black ginger rhizome juice to be given to children. mixed with palm sugar or honey to taste the bitter. better be given to children aged more than two years, when the chewing and swallow ability has been good.

A spoon of black ginger juice can improve your child's appetite. so if you want to find a natural solution for appetite raise children as well as natural helminthic just use black ginger.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbs | Benefit of Lime

Herbs | Benefit of Lime

lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
Plants, lime (Citrus aurantifolia) of the tribe have Rutaceae womb citric acid, atsiri oil, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, fe, sulfur, vitamins B1 and C. Also the very usefull compounds named naringin and hesperidin.

Naringin and vitamin C has benefit as antioxidants. Some research shows evidence of hesperidin, this compound is able to prevent the occurrence of compound that causes violence in the rabbit intestine and rat bladder. Results of this research also suggested that hesperidin has prospects as an obstacle spread of cancer cells.

The benefit of lime that has been proven reliable since an 19th century as a deterrent is mouth sores among sailor in the UK.

In addition, limon can also be used as herbal medicine to cure various diseases, among others:

Herbal Expectorant

lime fruit split into two parts. Add whiting and heat briefly. Press it to get the extract water and mixed with a glass of warm water. This herb useful for dilute phlegm to easily issued.

Way that is easier to squeeze water from two lime, add two dried clove, 200 ml of hot water and one teaspoon of honey. Once stirred, it can be drunk. Apply to the chest with a eucalyptus oil.

If this step is done as soon as we come to feel cough attack, the attack is likely soon be solved because the actual vitamin c and atsiri oil that is contained inside lime fruit.

lime as Natural Skin Care

Lime has a benefit to decrease pore facial skin, and can automatically reduce the excess oil in the face and prevent the occurrence of acne.

By apply the lime fruit slices directly on the skin of the face and drink the lime juice.

Please be careful for people with sensitive skin. Start to spread lime in slowly from the area around the nose with a pore large pore.

lime juice that can be lubricated regularly to help expedite the peeling process of the dead skin cells regularly, and so the skin looks to be bright and healthy.

Apply directly on the skin of the face, but please clean your face first. After being pressed, do not discard the remaining lime water, but we can use to wipe fingers of the hands and feet. If this is done regularly, then we will have a nail and the skin clean, soft and fragrant.

Beware! Because the oil in the lime is phototoxic, meaning the skin that has been oiled with lime can burned when radiated by the sun directly.

Skin care post-birth belly

Make a cleaner ingredients of a mixture of lime juice mixed with lime Gambier and eucalyptus oil. Polishing compound to the skin of the belly of a post-birth mother regularly at least twice daily after bathing for 30 days, to tighten and smooth skin stomach come back (like before pregnancy).

Natural lime as Oily hair Care

Oily hair is always better than dry hair. However, the excess oil on the hair can cause hair looks dull and dirty. To overcome quite easily. After you shampoo the hair with shampoo, Rinse your hair with water that is mixed with lime extract. Massage your scalp a light. Optimal results will be obtained when we rinse the hair with warm water and end with cold water.

Source: Tabloid Nyata


Friday, May 8, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Natural Viagra | Som Java Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Viagra | Som Java Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction

Som Java Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
Another plant which can be used to cure erectile dysfunction problem, namely 'Talinum paniculatum' or be in Indonesia, known by the name of Som Java.

Som Jawa it actually comes from the U.S. southeast and south. Beefy thick root and is usually used as a substitute for ginseng. On the island of Java, this plant grows in height of 5-1250 meters above sea level. This plant can grow to 30 - 60 cm. bar at the bottom of the fork and it’s root word is crust. Single leaf, located opposite, and spired. flowers that is bloom in the afternoon, look in a red purple color.

The morphology of som jawa plant roots is very similar to ginseng (panax pseudo ginseng, or panax ginseng), which comes from the Chinese and has long been used to cure erectile dysfunction. therefore the plant is also often referred to as the Javanese Ginseng (Javanese ginseng).

Chemical compound that belongs to Som Jawa, are: saponin, flavonoid, tannin, and steroid. In addition, potassium also has a degree, Na, calcium, magnesium and Fe.


Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction

This plant is known to increase fertility and can be used as a Natural Viagra. This has been proven scientifically by using the male as mencit animal experiment, to find out the relation between Som Jawa (Talinum paniculatum) with health spermatozoa.

Research shows that the extract som jawa percentage can increase the number of spermatozoa with normal morphology and motilities type A. In conclusion, the higher dose of extract given som jawa, can maintain the number of spermatogenesis cells, morphology, and thus prevent motilities on infertilities men.

Natural Viagra Ingredient Som using Java

50 grams of the root of som jawa sliced thin. Add with 3 / 4 cup of hot water. Add a little rice wine. Drink while warm.

To get the maximum property of the root, this plant should be aged at least 7 months to 1 year.

The fresh root is used as a medicine, it is first steamed dried ago that can be stored in the time period long enough.

Use fresh roots can directly cause diarrhea which is caused by sap from the root of Som Jawa.
Som Jawa fresh leaves can be harvested when the plant reaches the age of 3 to 6 months.
Has done a scientific test to determine the security of the use of this plant. Results from research that toxicities test, the plant is safe for consumption.

other uses

Healing the ulcer

To cure ulcer, is quite simple. Take fresh leaves Som Jawa. Wash cleanly and pound it until smooth. Then paste the boil that has been cleaned beforehand. Then bandage that section.

Facilitates Breast Feeding

Use of the empirical plant proves that this is very useful to facilitates breast feeding.

Take a leaf of fresh Som Jawa, then prepared by frying and then boiling in oil and spices, and being eaten as vegetables.

In addition to improving care, this plant can also make healthy body, and increase appetite.


Som Jawa plants (Talinum paniculatum) can be planted trough stek the stem or branch that measuring 12 cm long. Stek seeds from the stem (the tip, middle or bottom) can be planted directly in the garden.

Can also use the seed or cross pollination of their own.

Som Jawa grow in the fertile sandy loam, sandy soil and is quite loose (much humus or organic material). Light intensity required 75%. fertilization using organic fertilizer. Sprinkling rare, not too much water.

Dra Wiwied Ekasari, Apt., MSi
Department Farmakognosi & Fitokimia
Pharmacy Airlangga University faculty

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Herbal Skin Care | Lime as a Natural Skin whitener

Herbal Skin Care | Lime as a Natural Skin whitener

Citrus Aurantium
Many benefits that can be taken from lime (Citrus Aurantium). One of them is to make the skin become white and smooth. Benefits of this to be a good news for the woman who crave white and smooth. Lime is a basic ingredient of traditional medicine in the beauty of Indonesia.

In general, lime fruit rich in vitamins and minerals for good health. In the 100 gr of lime, there are 51 calories, 0.9 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 11.4 g carbohydrate, 0.5 g minerals, calcium 33 mg, 23 mg phosphorus, 0.4 mg iron and askorbat acid 49 mg. In addition to the womb have a higher vitamin C, lemon also contains citric acid, amino acid (triptofan, lisin), oil atsiri (sitral, limonene, felandren, lemon chamfer, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nildehid) resin , glycoside, citric acid, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur vitamin B1 and C. Meanwhile, leaves, fruits and flowers contain oil fly. Taste sour lemon that can help to clean the nicotine in the mouth, teeth and people who love to smoke. In Indonesia, lemon is often used to overcome various kinds of diseases such as dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoid, menstruation is not regular, diphtheria, whelk, vertigo or dizziness headache, hoarse voice, cough, body odor, increase appetite, prevent hair fall, dandruff, flu , fever, too fat, tonsil, Anyang-anyangan disease (urine pain), nosebleed, nose and sore. Lime is also effective to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones. Lemon contains citric high, while many people with kidney stones have a low citric content.

Lime as a Natural Skin whitener

Skin bleaching

Human skin has a color that is not equal to one another. In addition to genetic factors, there are also some other factors, such as climate and weather. Skin of the face is the most important, especially for women. Therefore, women do make some effort to become the face of white skin clean and interesting. Originally, both in medical and beauty salon, whiten the skin is done by peel the die skin cells using products with active ingredients, with just consume and smear the body (the parts on the body) with some lime, skin becomes more white. In addition to nutrient-rich, orange is also rich in substances such as bioflanid, atsiri limonen oil, citric acid, acetate linalin, and fellandren that can cure the disease cough, reduce fever, increase sexual passion, and make sound tuneful. One of the benefits of lemon in the field of beauty is the womb that vitamin C can make the skin become white, smooth, and fast. The fruit has vitamin C contents that are useful as antioxidants. Vitamin C that has a L bond in each its molecule, good for bleaching the skin color.

Herbal Ingredient to Whiteing Face Skin

To get the white skin and smooth of the face, there are two ways that can be done. "For bleach and refine the skin and to lessen the pore, can be done in two ways.

First, by consume lime. Because by consume lime, the actual vitamin C which being absorbed by the body will more optimally.

Second, by apply the lime to the skin of the face and body that being cooled, regularly every day.

Other Lime Benefit

For you who want to look slim, the benefit of lemon can also be tested. Every morning, noon and night, try drinking the lime juice with a mixture of water and a little sugar. In this way, you trimness will awake. In addition, lime can prevent you from various diseases as described above. While for the hair, lemon can also eliminate dandruff.


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