Friday, June 12, 2009

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Herbal Medicinal Plants | Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is recognized as the healthiest oil. In the book "The Coconut Oil Miracle" works of Bruce Fife, CN, ND, among others, explained that the VCO has several benefits, which are based on some scientific research. Among others, to become new weapons against coronary heart disease, naturally fight bacteria and viruses, lose weight, smoothen the skin, prevent various of degenerative diseases, including cancer, and improve the quality of health care.

According to DR. I. Winarno, MSi., Engineer technology Agriculture Industry IPB, the benefit of Virgin Coconut Oil can be explained scientifically. Fat molecules from VCO, especially oleat acid and linoleat acid, will replace trans fat vandal-fatty acid. That cause infectious diseases can be degenerated. In improving the body's metabolism, VCO working to health the body cells. While maintaining the body in a variety of infections from micro organisms (viruses, bacteria, parasites), laurat acid component of virgin coconut oil, modified by the body to be mono laurin compound, which functions as antioxidants.

Virgin coconut oil is also rich in vitamins A and E, which is important for skin and hair health. Approximately 80% fatty acid in VCO is a fatty acid short chains and the middle one, which it’s molecules are small, so that it can be directly absorbed by the body, without the need for diverse enzyme to cut it.

Test analysis on the product brand of VCO named “Laurina” in food analysis laboratory services, the Ministry of Science and Technology IPB food, proving that virgin coconut oil can be answered scientifically. Organoleptic tests include color, clarity and aroma, and taste, found that the VCO good color transparent clear. Typical of coconut, it's delicious, light in the mouth and does not itch in the throat.

Test the quality of oil produced peroxide number 9.98 (the standard maximum of 10 mg / kg) and soaping number is 16.35 (standard 188 mg / g). Test of fatty acid composition, including kaprilat acid 7.37%, kaprat acid 5.58%, laurat acid 49.67% (highest), mirislat acid 13.51%, palmitat acid 6.82%, 2.20% stearat acid , oleat acid 5.63% and 1.44% linoleat acid.

Test womb vitamins include vitamin A (karoten) and 4.65 ppm vitamin E (tokoferol) 32.22 ppm. Prosimat test such as oil content 99.73%, water 0.08% (0.45% standard), gray / minerals / metals 0.0045%. The last test is sanitation indicator, did not find the coli bacteria.

According to international standards, the actual laurat acid of virgin coconut oil, at least 25%. Less than that, it means the oil is relatively not nutritious.

Drinking one-tablespoon of Virgin coconut oil every day, you can control the degenerative disease. Such as diabetes, bloods curdle, muscular pain, stroke, rheumatism, cancer and tumor.

Drinking one-tablespoon of virgin coconut oil, three times a day can cure various infection diseases, such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, asthma, smallpox, herpes and the flu. VCO can improve the body's metabolism. Helps absorption of calcium and vitamins A, D, E, K; can reduce body weight for the Obesity. cure hair problems, acne (drink and be smeared), flex and damp skin, itching and heal wounds.

Virgin coconut oil can also help in the pregnancy. Drinking two-tablespoon of VCO a day can make the fetus healthy. The baby will be born healthily, with smooth skin and shinny strong hair. Birthing process also run smoothly. After birthing, drink virgin coconut oil one tablespoon, three times a day, to improve the quality of breast milk, the milk with a high degree of laurant. This will increase the baby's immunity against disease, and help restore the condition of the mother's body, after the birthing.

Please use the virgin coconut oil. But be careful when choosing a product, that product is not trapped by false. Or you want to try to make virgin coconut oil itself? Read the article titled "How to make Virgin Coconut oil Yourself."



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