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Herb Remedy for Toothache
Following ingredients for a sore tooth:
Herbal Compound 1
- Prepare a Turmeric rhizome (Curcuma domestica, Val.)
- eucalyptus oil as much as needed
After turmeric washed clean, then peeled. soak briefly in the eucalyptus oil, and then paste in the hollow tooth. Do to calm pain.
Herbal Compound 2
- Prepare 10 grams of Turmeric (Curcuma domestica, Val.)
- 50 gr of citronella leaves
- 25 gr of citronella roots
- salt as much as needed
After all the materials to be washed clean and cut-pieces of turmeric, half a liter of boiled water. Leave it up to be a glass of water. To drink three times a day.
Herbal Compound 3
- Prepare 10 grams of Turmeric (Curcuma domestica, Val.)
- 50 grams meniran leaves (Phillantus niruri L.)
- a half seeds of betel nuts
- salt as much as needed
After all ingredients except salt to be washed, pound until smooth. Do not forget the salt. Add a glass of hot water, and then filtered. When it get warm, use it for gargle. Do three times a day.
All toothache herbal ingredients above just to calm down the pain but not to cure your tooth permanently. So go to the dentist is should be done.
Labels: toothache
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